What are we learning in Science this year? (All middle school science classes are taught by Mrs. Shaw)
Science Standards Grades 6-8 – 2023-24 focus – Structure and Function & Genes and Molecular Machines
Structure and Function, and Genes and Molecular Machines addresses the performance expectations, attendant science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts deemed appropriate for grades 6 through 8 by the Next Generations Science Standards (NGSS). It allows students to develop an understanding of fundamentals of chemistry and physics.
Each lesson in this unit builds on the skills and concepts presented in previous lessons. As students progress through the unit, they take increasing responsibility for their own learning. Therefore, the unit will be taught in its entirety.
To structure and scaffold the development of students’ knowledge, skills, and cognitive reasoning, these units include three primary lesson types: pre-assessment, skills and knowledge, and assessment. The pre-assessment lesson allows the teacher to assess students’ preconceptions, misconceptions, and skills. The skills and knowledge building lessons provide multiple opportunities for students to grow and learn through formative assessment. The assessment lesson includes both performance and written assessment activities that function together as a summative assessment of student learning.
Middle School Science uses the Standards Based grading system of 4.0, 3.5, 3.0, 2.5, 2.0, 1.5 and 1.0. Practice is not included in the final grades, as we recognize that students make mistakes while they are learning the material presented. All final grades are based on Assessments that include specific rubrics for the given assignments.
Smithsonian Education Center – Science and Technology Concepts for Middle School – Genes and Molecular Machines
Smithsonian Education Center – Science and Technology Concepts for Middle School – Structure and Function
Homework and class work (student warm-ups and lab activities) will be reflected on the report card under Self-Directed Learning and Problem Solving.